2015: A New Year, A New Chapter

Following my last post reflecting on 2014, I wanted to do a new one looking forward to 2015...

Now this isn't going to be a post focusing on unrealistic New Year Resolutions - its going to focus on five things that I want to aim for or experience within 2015. I think setting yourself goals gives you something to work towards, to have an inner determination or desire to reach that goal so that ultimately you can appreciate and be proud of what you have achieved.

The end of January will mark the end of our time here in Hong Kong. One chapter of our lives closes and another one begins. We begin 2015 with a chance to do some travelling before we return to the UK and we have our sights on Japan and Australia. We hope to begin this trip this coming weekend, talk about last minute eh!

So the five things I aspire to achieve in 2015 are...

Experience as much as possible
Being in Hong Kong has opened up a multitude of opportunities for me - whether it be experiencing new cuisines, exploring Hong Kong and its culture or being able to explore parts of Asia I never dreamed we would visit. This year Jack and I have the golden opportunity to spend a prolonged amount of time visiting more countries that have been on our ever growing Travel List.  I want to be able to experience as much as humanly possible whilst on these trips and never be afraid to say yes to anything.

Plan My Wedding
Returning to the UK finally means I get to plan my wedding! Its been a long time coming and I cannot wait to finally set a date.

Drink More Green Tea
Yes this is a random one. I love green tea and at the moment I try to drink around 1-2 cups a day. My aim for 2015 is to increase my intake to 4-5 cups a day. Green Tea has been proven to have so many benefits for the body including fat burning and speeding up metabolism - leading to that bikini body you always wanted! Hmm, maybe throw in regular exercise and a clean healthy diet to speed up that process - but all the same, green tea is one hell of super tea.

Worry Less
Everyone practically knows it but I am the worlds biggest worrier. I even let the smallest of occurrences affect the way I feel. My worries end up becoming other peoples problems, especially my loved ones. This year, I will try my damned hardest to accept that yes, things will worry me but I will not let it consume me. I will deal with the problem head on and always remember that its not the end of the world.

Laugh More
I love to laugh, surely everyone does? I love the way it makes you feel - at that very moment in time you realise how truly happy you are. 2013/2014 made me realise this in a big way - I have lived a lot, laughed a lot and loved a lot. I hope to continue this into 2015.

I would love to hear what your goals are for 2015...

K x

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